In a speech at Rice University in Houston Texas on September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy gave us those immortal words, “we choose to go to the moon (and do the other things) not because it is easy, but because it is hard.” This speech, more than any other single statement is credited with being the impetus for the successful NASA programs that culminated with the Apollo 11 Mission that landed Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon forty years ago last Monday.
With the resignation this week of Pastor Mitch Flesch as our Downtown Decatur Church Planter, I wanted to remind all of us that we had chosen to plant a church Downtown, “not because it is easy, but because it is hard.” In my opinion, no one could have done more work or better work than Pastor Mitch, who poured so much of his time, prayers, and effort into reaching this community for Jesus; or Tom Miller, who first led this work.
Men and women have come to know the Lord as a result of these efforts, and several Bible study groups have been planted in the apartment complexes in and near Downtown Decatur. We have not accomplished the goal of planting an autonomous Southern Baptist Church in Downtown Decatur; but, our passion for reaching lost people and having a church Downtown is unabated.
We have learned some very valuable lessons that will help us in all of our future church planting efforts. May God use these lessons to shape us and equip us for the great work ahead. Mitch Flesch and Tom Miller have been two of our most effective men at reaching lost people and growing churches in Central Illinois. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue in their present ministries.
Pray for the lost people of Central Illinois, and for our New Work Team as they seek the will and wisdom of God to reach them with the gospel. Pray that God will bless all of our CBA Family of Churches as we continue His Kingdom work.
God bless Mitch and Linda Flesch; God bless Tom and Pauline Miller; God bless our New Work Team; and God bless you!