Monday, May 18, 2009

The Best Way to Decorate A Church

We are very fortunate indeed to have so many gifted people who do so much to make our church facility so beautiful! Charlotte Eagan and many others design and display all kinds of decorations that fit each season perfectly and demonstrate a personal care of God's House that honors Him and blesses us.

But, after this past Sunday I have decided that the most beautiful decoration a church can have is the smiling faces of visitors in the services! Now, I am not for one moment overlooking the happy and familiar faces of our many faithful people whose presence (and presents) make our work possible; but, I do want to thank the Lord and those of you who invite family and friends to come to church with you. Over the past few weeks, we have had many of your family and friends in the services!

Last Sunday - between the Ard and Fornshell families and several others who brought family and friends - we had about twenty visitors in the AM service! Of course, some of them are out-of-town family and not prospects for membership in our church; but, several of them do live in the Tri-County area and may very well someday be part of this happy and blessed Church.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time and effort to invite people to our services, and may the Lord lead more and more of us to do the same!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sunday's Sermon

While every pastor believes every sermon we preach is important, it is obvious that some sermons have more potential impact on a congregation than others! This Sunday, as the Lord allows, I will be preaching on the subject, "Leadership Matters" as I continue the "Church Matters" series in preparation for our discussion and vote on the proposed new Confession, Covenant, and Constitution.

I am well aware that the words, "Confession of Faith", "Covenant", and "Constitution" make most people's eyes glaze over - BUT, these are really important documents and we are about to make some really important decisions one way or the other. Our Confession is a statement about WHAT WE BELIEVE; our Covenant is a statement of HOW WE BEHAVE; and our Constitution is a set of principles and rules that determine HOW WE DO BUSINESS!

All three of these documents are tools that have a great impact on how we "do church" and how effecitvely we accomplish the mission and ministry to which God has called us. I am asking you to read these documents carefully, pray over them faithfully, vote on them responsibly, and DO NOT MISS THIS SUNDAY'S SERMON!

God bless you! I hope to see you Sunday with a smile on your face, your Bible in your hand, and your family and friends by your side!

Monday, May 11, 2009

"Happy?" Mother's Day

It was an amazing scene last Sunday when our beloved Sister, Vivalee Smith, walked up on the platform at church and asked me to share a few thoughts! Vivalee and her husband, Bob, were in church on this Mother's Day in spite of the fact that their only child, Dr. Bob Smith, MD, had passed away two days before and will be buried tomorrow afternoon.

And there she stood - a mother about to bury her only child - giving testimony to the goodness of God in their lives; and, in the life of her son. She said she wanted to be sure that our people knew something more about Dr. Bob than just the fact that he had died. Many of our people have known them for many, many years; but since he had gone away to college and medical school and then practiced for years in Decatur some our people did not know Dr. Bob very well.

What a moment, what a family, what a faith! God bless and comfort Bob and Vevalee, their daughter-in-law, Cathy, and their two grandsons. Thanks to all who came over to them, laid hands on them, and prayed for them.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Lots to Pray About!

Beloved Ones,

We have several things going on this week that require our sincere prayers:

1) Bob and Vevalee Smith's son, Dr. Bob Smith, passed away unexpectedly yesterday.

2) Edna Anderson passed away Wednesday.

3) Gayle Lewis is not well and has been in and out of the hospital this week.

4) Max Beals is not well and is hospitalized in Champaign. He may have suffered a light stroke.

George Mueller said, "Prayer can do anything God can do; and God can do anything." Much more importantly, the Apostle James said, (5:15-16) "And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power in its working." (ESV)

Take time today and pray that our merciful Lord will minister grace to these who are hurting and to their families.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another Revival is past...

Well, we have had a great week. Tom Marsh prayed, prepared, and preached. Our musicians played, our singers sang, and we gave over $1,600.00 in the love offering! Sunday was a terriffic day and both services were well attended. Monday through Wednesday those who came were truly blessed.

Thank you so very much to everyone who took part and played a part in these services! God bless you. We have heard the Word of God this week... now let us become (more than ever before) doers of the Word.

Remember, Sunday is Mother's Day. I hope to see you in church with a smile on your face, your Bible in your hand, and your family and friends by your side!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring Revival is On!

Our Spring Revival is off to a great start! We had very good attendance in both services yesterday; and the music and preaching were fabulous.

Baptizing Liz Shipman and Cindy Norton was a great way to start the meeting, and I am praying that the Lord will continue to save and add people to our church this week and in the weeks ahead!

Services are this evening through Wednesday at 7pm. I hope to see you there with your Bible in your hand, a smile on your face, and a friend by your side.