Monday, May 11, 2009

"Happy?" Mother's Day

It was an amazing scene last Sunday when our beloved Sister, Vivalee Smith, walked up on the platform at church and asked me to share a few thoughts! Vivalee and her husband, Bob, were in church on this Mother's Day in spite of the fact that their only child, Dr. Bob Smith, MD, had passed away two days before and will be buried tomorrow afternoon.

And there she stood - a mother about to bury her only child - giving testimony to the goodness of God in their lives; and, in the life of her son. She said she wanted to be sure that our people knew something more about Dr. Bob than just the fact that he had died. Many of our people have known them for many, many years; but since he had gone away to college and medical school and then practiced for years in Decatur some our people did not know Dr. Bob very well.

What a moment, what a family, what a faith! God bless and comfort Bob and Vevalee, their daughter-in-law, Cathy, and their two grandsons. Thanks to all who came over to them, laid hands on them, and prayed for them.

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