Sunday, August 30, 2009

We’re about to pop!

What a day! The dear Lord has given to us another happy and blessed day "At the Woods!" Our day began with a great attendance in Sunday School and Church; a great lesson from James; a special little someone visiting with us; lots of visitors; Kathy White accepted the Lord; lots of prayer; great singing; we dedicated our AWANA Team; we heard "God's Simple Plan of Salvation" from Mark 10; and, celebrated the Lord's Supper!

I commented that our dear Church is so filled with the Holy Spirit that it feels like we are about to pop! Others picked up on that line and the more I hear the phrase, the more I like it – and the more and more I expect it any moment.

Speaking of our SS lesson from James: just after I finished teaching the lesson and ended with notes on “praying for one another that you may be healed” I walked past Misty’s Ladies Class and (guess what?) they were gathered around a lady praying for her! WOW, I am back in the old Sanctuary talking about it – while they are in the fellowship hall actually getting it done!

Attendance at our Sunday Night study, “Revelation for Rookies” continues to grow! Tonight was a blessing: more visitors; Revelation 13; two beasts; ten horns; ten crowns; seven heads; and one tired preacher! Whew… we got about half-way through the Chapter!

Remember that our Fall Harvest Revival begins on September 20th and goes through the 23rd. Pray for our speaker, Roger Ellsworth and our folk who will be bringing special music!

Great burdens; great blessings; bright future! Pop?

Sunday, August 23, 2009


What does one say about a day like today? One word: Glory! I wanted to take the opportunity to join several in our church who have shared with me, posted notes on Facebook, and given testimony before our church today about the great blessing of God we experienced in our service this morning!

I knew that we would have several visitors with us today because of the Elder and Deacon Ordination service. I felt impressed of the Lord to drop the planned sermon and preach a simple presentation of the soul-saving gospel of Jesus Christ. It was in the fall of 1976 on the island of Guam that I first heard Missionary-Pastor Bruce Wring preach from Luke 23 about the thief on the cross and how his salvation was a model of how everyone who is saved comes to faith in Jesus.

Over the years, I have tweaked it, added to it, and preached it over fifty times! It is still the greatest presentation of the gospel I have ever heard or preached. So, I shared this sermon again this morning. Many have shared how they and their family and friends were touched by the message and one man indicated that he prayed to receive the Lord during the invitation.

The Ordination service was a real blessing as well. By the grace of God, He has given us six men to serve our church as Elders and eight men to serve us as Deacons. We also celebrated the retirement from the Deacon ministry of Bob Fleming and Ralph Hanner. These two men together have served our church as Deacons for over sixty years!

Power of Praise did a great job on “I am just a sinner saved by grace” which is the favorite song of many in our church – including me!

The concert on Saturday night by Ivan Parker was a smash hit with nearly 400 in attendance and some of the most joyous worship I have experienced in a long time. I thought the closing number, “Carried Away” which Ivan did with Power of Praise was one of the most exciting and happy moments I have had in a long time! You can check out photos from the concert at:

Several were in attendance for our evening service as I continued our study in the Book of Revelation! We continue to thank God for His blessings and look forward to every opportunity He gives us to worship Him together!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Serving Jesus by Serving Us!

Saturday morning, 8/15, following a wonderful breakfast provided and prepared by Bill and Shari Fleming, we had our first Deacon training with the eight men elected to serve under our new Constitution. All eight men were present and Elder Bill Fleming sat in with us.

These men are Andy Appleby, Max Beals, Craig Chapman, Kelly Clough, Steve Dietderich, Gene Greek, Doug Walk, and Jim Wilson.

Jim Wilson was elected as Chairman of Deacons, Gene Greek was elected as Assistant Chairman of Deacons, and Andy Appleby was elected to serve as Clerk of the Deacons. Thanks to each of these men for accepting these additional responsibilities.

We will have our Elder and Deacon ordination service on Sunday, 8/23 in the morning service. I hope you will be able to attend and support these men who are giving so much of their time and work to serve each of us.

Our Constitution states that these men are "gifts of God to our church" and that we ought to recognize them as such. They are... and we do!