Monday, January 19, 2009

Becoming a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ!

The Purpose Statement of our church is, "Becoming and Bringing Others to be Fully-devoted Followers of Jesus Christ!" This is not an original statement, but I believe it is one that clearly states the two-fold goal of the Christian life: we are to become fully-devoted Christ-followers; and, we are to bring others to know Him and to become His fully-devoted followers as well. Obviously, we cannot undertake the latter until we have accomplished the former!

I have been working for the past two years to come up with an effective and yet simple process to enable us accomplish these bibilcal goals. Next Sunday morning, January 25, 2009, I will unveil to our church a three-part process to accomplish this.

Beginning at 4:45pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, I will lead a one-hour class designed to move us toward this goal of spiritual maturity. These classes will cover three practical levels of spiritual maturity:
(1) The "Discovery" Series will consist of six classes designed for newer believers and newer church members; as well as others who desire to study again the basics of Christianity and Church life.
(2) The "Foundations" Series will also be six weeks in length and will cover the basic doctrinal truths taught in the Bible.
(3) The "Journey" Series will feature six classes designed for Christians who desire to begin or continue the process of spiritual growth in their personal Christian walk.

Some of these subjects were taught last year during the "Thursday Nights Together" classes. Therefore, not everyone will need to attend every class. Many of these classes will feature new material, so I want to encourage you to sign up for as many of these classes as your schedule will allow. Sign-up sheets are available now in the foyer for the first class, "Discovering Jesus" which will begin on Sunday, February 8th. Everyone is welcome to attend, but especially those who have come to know the Lord, or have joined our church within the past year should attend.

God bless you. I hope to see you Sunday morning with a Bible in your hand, a smile on your face, and a friend by your side!

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