Thursday, February 25, 2010

Monday Morning Memo

Monday Morning, February 22, 2010

God richly blessed us again yesterday at FBC! We had 95 people in Sunday School; 155 people in AM Worship; and we were able to take down another Brick from the Wall of Debt. We had two baptisms and several visitors were present in the service.

The Lord again provided us with a generous offering, and our usual crowd of faithful folk came out for the Sunday Night study. 14 workers and young people attended Greatest Common Factor, including a first-time visitor!

REMEMBER, we are starting a new Sunday School class for Young Adults on March 7th and we are getting ready for the "Find It Here" Easter Evangelism Campaign! You will be hearing much more about that this coming week.

Also, "Life Builders" Discipleship Classes begin on March 7th at 4:45pm. Sign-up sheets are in the foyer.

WOW! Just six more days till Sunday!

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