Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's Thursday, but Sunday's Coming!

We are praying for and expecting the Lord to bless us with a great Lord's Day on September 12th!

In the morning service, I will continue my series, "Understanding Acts - Body #2 Takes Over" with a sermon from 2:41-47 on the subject, "The Life Changing Power of the Gospel!" This passage is one of the clearest pictures in the New Testament of what happens in the lives of people who come to know the Lord Jesus as Savior and Lord.

3,000 brand new believers filled with the Holy Spirit and turned loose on the City of Jerusalem! WOW!

Sunday evening at 6pm, International Missionaries Ravshan and Lisa Uraimov will be with us to update us on their ministry and the heart-breaking events currently going on in his native Country. We have supported them monthly for over ten years and they have proven to be faithful and effective ministers of the gospel among multitudes of athletes around the world.

Please pray about bringing a very generous love offering to share with them at that service.

I hope to see you Sunday with your Bible in your hand, a smile on your face, and your family and friends by your side!

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