Saturday, August 6, 2011


Psalm 9:17 (KJV) “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

While driving to Southern Illinois yesterday to attend a funeral, I was listening to the radio. I am quickly bored with most of what is on the radio, so I was (as I often do) letting the radio receiver run on scan. Almost immediately, I noticed a funny thing… someone was saying that the President was destroying our economy and our Nation! Then… scan… it is the Republicans who are destroying our economy and our Nation! No wait! Scan… it is the T.E.A. Party that is destroying our economy and our Nation! No one could agree about whom it is that is destroying our economy and our Nation; but, whoever they thought it was, they were very passionate about it!

I began to wonder if any of them had ever read a Bible! If ever there was a Nation who has forgotten God, this Nation is it! This Nation is awash in every imaginable sin, and several that it is difficult to imagine. Oh, I know that this Nation was never a Theocracy, (it was never intended to be a Theocracy) but, there was a period of time when Jesus Christ was honored and respected in this Nation and His people were encouraged – encouraged mind you, not merely tolerated – to worship and serve Him. That is almost all over in this Nation now!

I am well aware that it is not considered culturally acceptable to say that God is pouring His wrath out upon America, but it is true if the culture likes it or not! It is not even acceptable to state this in the majority of so-called churches in our Nation. The American people have approved, or at least allowed, the killing of nearly 50,000,000 babies on the altar of personal choice… we have normalized many forms of sexual perversion… we are awash in filthy talk… calling evil good… and joyously watching these behaviors played out on our movie and TV screens!

How can this happen? We have forgotten Someone! God!

Apparently, some years ago Rev. Billy Graham said, “if God does not judge America for our sins, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!” I do not know if he really said that, or if he quoted it from someone else; but, whoever said it… it could not be more true!

I passionately love my children and my grandchildren. I love the young people in our Church and their families. I love America and I do not want to witness the judgment of God upon her. But, judgment is coming whether I want to see it or not. By the way, the judgment of God is coming upon this Nation whether anyone believes it, or not! The answer – and I believe, the only answer – is simple: win Americans to faith in Jesus Christ, disciple them, stand against evil, and stand up for good!

In the days of the Old Testament Judges, God gave Israel opportunity after opportunity after opportunity until His patience ran out and He gave them over to their enemies. Will you join me in asking God to give US another chance? Will you join me in working to win Americans to Jesus and discipling them in the Christian faith? Will you do what you can to make sure that this Nation remembers the God of the Bible?

I pray that all of us will.

1 comment:

hopkinsclan5 said...

will join in praying that with you...God's patience is eduring (in fact, this is one of His attributes that cause my heart to leap in praise and long to be as He), but I agree with you that His patience is not in exclusion to His awesome justice and judgement