Monday, April 27, 2009

Revival Time!

As hard as it is for me to realize it, May 3rd is NEXT SUNDAY! And, May 3rd is REVIVAL TIME FOR OUR CHURCH! Our Spring Revival begins next Sunday morning and will continue on Sunday Night and Monday through Wednesday evenings. I hope you are planning now to attend every service.

This promises to be a great series of meetings! I have asked Tom Marsh, recently retired Pastor of FBC Casey, Illinois, to be our speaker for these meetings. Tom is one of the best men I have ever known and ANY MAN who completes over twenty years in God-honoring ministry at a single church (as Tom has) deserves to be heard!

I simply asked him to preach what he thinks are the most important five sermons that a church needs to hear. He told me, that the first Sermon would be, "You Must Be Born Again!" AMEN - that is good preaching!

Set aside the dates, set aside a generous love-offering, bring your family and friends. This can be a great week in the life of our church, and I do not want you to miss any of it.

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